Primary Services Menu
Troy Risk’s environmental consulting can add value to a business by curing environmental damage, reducing the uncertainty of environmental conditions, or cleaning-up contamination to recover equity in real property. Our first priority is to understand our clients’ goals. Our engineers, scientists, and geologists then deliver business-savvy solutions and advocacy to accomplish those goals.
In addition to professional environmental consulting services, our field-operations department performs soil and groundwater sampling, and remediation system maintenance. In-house groundwater sampling and testing, and Geoprobe soil sampling allow our professionals to control costs and deliver positive project outcomes on time.
Vapor Intrusion Testing and Mitigation Services
Vapor Intrusion (VI) is a relatively new area of environmental practice with potentially high liability being applied to a large number of sites, including sites that had previously obtained closure. VI screening will be required as part of ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) beginning in March 2013 using ASTM standard E 2600 as an add-on to the existing ASTM E 1527-05. VI is now often the driving factor in both determining the need for mitigation and obtaining closure for sites. Although some petroleum sites have VI issues, the majority of sites with substantive VI issues are chlorinated solvent sites, with some examples being dry cleaners or industrial sites where degreasers were used.
Troy Risk’s staff have worked on numerous VI sites to evaluate the potential for impact to source area site buildings (industrial, dry cleaners, etc.) and structures in the immediate vicinity including industrial, commercial, public, and residential buildings. Troy Risk staff have obtained air samples from:
- Soil Gas
- Ambient Air
- Sub-slab Air
- Crawl Space Air
- Indoor Air
Our staff is well-versed in the appropriate sampling techniques, including leak detection for sub-slab sampling and the use of evaluating pressure gradients to demonstrate the direction of an airflow across slabs.
We have overseen the implementation of both pre-emptive and mandated remediation systems including sub-slab depressurization systems ranging from simple radon-type systems to more sophisticated systems and vacuum extraction systems (SVE and MPE) to mitigate exposure to sub-slab vapors. Our staff has also worked with IDEM staff (Brownfields, State Cleanup, etc.) to evaluate potential VI impacts on new developments.
Environmental Remediation and Site Closure
- Remedial Investigation, Design, Implementation, and Management
- Soil, Vapor, and Groundwater – Sampling, Monitoring, and Modeling
- Vapor Mitigation System Design and Installation (self-performed, immediate cost savings!)
- Strategic Funding and Site Closure Solutions
100% Cost Recovery by Indiana Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF) or client insurance.
Below is a comprehensive list of our services. Click on each header to learn more.
- Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Vapor Intrusion, Soil, and Groundwater Characterization
- Risk Assessment; Human Health, Ecological, Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
- Brownfield Evaluations; Former/Abandoned Industrial, Federal, and State Property
- Wetland Monitoring and Assessment
- Advanced Air Modeling Services – Impact/Hazard and Emergency Operations Assessments
- Remedial Investigation, Design, Implementation, and Management
- Soil, Vapor, and Groundwater – Sampling, Monitoring, and Modeling
- Vapor Mitigation System Design and Installation (self-performed, immediate cost savings!)
- Strategic Funding and Site Closure Solutions
100% Cost Recovery by Indiana Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF) or client insurance
Demolition Design and Oversight
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance (RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA)
- Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste TSDF Permitting and Compliance (RCRA, IAC 10)
- Water Resources Compliance and Permitting (NPDES, Public Water Supply)
Federal and State Clean Water Act Permitting (Section 401/ 404)
- Construction Permitting and Support (Asbestos Inspection, SWPPP, On-Call Services)