Primary Services Menu
Troy Risk’s environmental consulting can add value to a business by curing environmental damage, reducing the uncertainty of environmental conditions, or cleaning-up contamination to recover equity in real property. Our first priority is to understand our clients’ goals. Our engineers, scientists, and geologists then deliver business-savvy solutions and advocacy to accomplish those goals.
In addition to professional environmental consulting services, our field-operations department performs soil and groundwater sampling, and remediation system maintenance. In-house groundwater sampling and testing, and Geoprobe soil sampling allow our professionals to control costs and deliver positive project outcomes on time.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
A Phase I Assessment Report identifies environmental conditions concerning the property land and buildings.
Phase II Investigation of Soil and Groundwater
The purpose of a Phase II investigation is to determine whether the property is actually impacted at levels that exceed regulatory action levels. In Indiana, these levels are established by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). When appropriate, IDEM’s RISC program has established default residential and industrial levels of environmental impact in soil and groundwater – beneath which the impact poses a negligible health risk to users of the property.
Troy Risk specializes in Phase II Subsurface Investigations of soil and groundwater. We have the field investigation and analytical technologies, which test for chemicals on-site and collect samples for analyses by an environmental laboratory.
Troy Risk collects and assesses Phase II samples by a variety of methods such as:
- Geoprobe direct push soil and groundwater sampling equipment
- Mobile laboratory
- Surface grab sample
- Shallow hand auger sample
- Backhoe sampling
- Soil gas sampling
- Groundwater monitoring through the installation of groundwater monitoring wells.
The Phase II report can be relied on to resolve environmental condition questions.
Environmental Risk and Site Assessment
- Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Vapor Intrusion, Soil, and Groundwater Characterization
- Risk Assessment; Human Health, Ecological, Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
- Brownfield Evaluations; Former/Abandoned Industrial, Federal, and State Property
- Wetland Monitoring and Assessment
Below is a comprehensive list of our services. Click on each header to learn more.
- Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
- Vapor Intrusion, Soil, and Groundwater Characterization
- Risk Assessment; Human Health, Ecological, Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
- Brownfield Evaluations; Former/Abandoned Industrial, Federal, and State Property
- Wetland Monitoring and Assessment
- Advanced Air Modeling Services – Impact/Hazard and Emergency Operations Assessments
- Remedial Investigation, Design, Implementation, and Management
- Soil, Vapor, and Groundwater – Sampling, Monitoring, and Modeling
- Vapor Mitigation System Design and Installation (self-performed, immediate cost savings!)
- Strategic Funding and Site Closure Solutions
100% Cost Recovery by Indiana Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF) or client insurance
Demolition Design and Oversight
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance (RCRA, CERCLA, TSCA)
- Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste TSDF Permitting and Compliance (RCRA, IAC 10)
- Water Resources Compliance and Permitting (NPDES, Public Water Supply)
Federal and State Clean Water Act Permitting (Section 401/ 404)
- Construction Permitting and Support (Asbestos Inspection, SWPPP, On-Call Services)